
Archive for October, 2015

How do we live through struggle periods? Because there is no one who doesn’t have such phases. In fact, as they say, it always pours, never rains. There is a tendency to get washed away in the sea of emotional and mental negativity. It takes all the courage to keep calm and often, even that is not enough. Believe me, only an indomitable spirit works! … an actual “zid”, a stubbornness to see this phase through as a challenge and at any cost. And surprisingly, such an attitude makes the task so much easier and less painful. I am sure many of you have been there and experienced what I am saying. It is a victory situation every time. So, stay positive and watch events from the outside. Stay blessed.

Surekha Kothari

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These days, I am advocating becoming thoughtless for a while everyday. Yes! You guessed right. It is imperative for us to meditate everyday. No pressure of duration or time. Regularity is important. Trying to empty our minds through meditation releases the meaningless thoughts and emotions and makes place for the useful and growth oriented thoughts. It also seems to unleash the inner power and enables thoughts and actions we would not imagine we are capable of. Meditation is also important in bringing a certain balance within us. Only a steady practice can help us experience these beautiful changes. As they say, no pain, no gain.

Surekha Kothari

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I received a very profound post which said that whatever comes our way won’t go away until we have learnt our lessons. I cannot even begin to endorse the truth of this statement. Whatever comes our way has been called for or invited by us, mainly by resisting the flow of life. We don’t give life a chance to happen. We are so full of ego that we want to make life happen and that too, OUR way. And the way we do this is by inflating ourselves to a level close to bursting. It’s so amazing, the absurdity of thinking we can get away with anything! Or that it is okay once in a while to look after our self interest at the cost of another. That it is acceptable to defy the spiritual teachings, make deliberate mistakes and run to a temple to cleanse periodically…. so that we can sin some more???
So be it! We then have to be prepared for trying situations sitting at our doorstep waiting for our learning before going to the next door.

Surekha Kothari


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Each one of us has a unique view of life with, maybe, a few similarities now and then. And all this is depicted against the constant and steady Divine Energy which provides the screen for the film of our lives. Imagine what the scenario would be if we went to see a movie and both the film and the screen were moving! There is a perfect order behind the imperfection in the world of dualities. And our uniqueness lies in the craft of living that we demonstrate in our role play….as daughters and sons, as siblings, parents etc., but most definitely as potential players within the larger canvas of our intrinsic core as souls belonging to a much higher frequency than we care to understand.

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I am appalled at the state of the medical profession. There are several “good” doctors but goodness does not lie only in being knowledgeable and intelligent. It lies majorly in having humaneness and compassion for the ailing and their families.

Many Indians don’t want to return to India at all due to a lack of this and many Indians will not be treated in any Indian hospital unless they are the “who’s who”, having the doctors running after them and the entire hospital staff standing at their service with folded hands.

The ICU has more infection than anywhere else. I have seen the ICU staff talking on top of their voices, their cellphone ringtones at the maximum volume, irrespective of the serious nature of illnesses of the ICU patients.

Gone are the days when this profession was a noble one and doctors were looked up to with utmost respect. This is one of the most inhuman eras where doctors are doing things like trying to extract their fees from the patients in the ICU lest something should happen to them. For God’s sake! There is a limit to everything!

Mr. Modi and every political figure, more so the Health Minister! What are you going to do about the inhuman and atrocious conditions of all the people and mostly all the hospitals in this countries where death is considered a better option by many suffering beings…better than getting into the clutches of 5 Star hospitals where a minimum billing from a patient takes precedence over the heartrending physical and emotional and mental condition .

Where is the health care that needs so much care?

There is so much “adharma”, so much callousness and so much corruption of the moral fibre in this world that the stage has been set for a while for a complete corrosion of any hope, any joy in the lives of people.

We are also at fault for not raising our voices against this pathetic lack of humanity. If our judicial system had not gone into the hands of vested interests, and suing was made effective, God knows how many people in this profession would have lost their licenses along with their faces, their names and their credibility.

Surekha Kothari


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At what point do you give up ? Each of us is a powerhouse. So, WHY would we give up and sometimes, easily, too ? When the darkness turns really black, no light penetrates through. But that does not mean that there is an absence of light. It just means that the light is just beyond the point where you give up. So, it is so important not to shut the door to hope and accept darkness as your lot. God really helps those who help themselves. Persevere and see !

Surekha Kothari

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