
Archive for the ‘regression’ Category


It is so amazing that if you tune into the frequency called “god”, with faith in the flow of your life, things just begin to open up for you as if HIS guiding hand is in everything that happens. Of course, you have to understand that whatever happens is a blessing, what will happen is also a blessing. There is no place for anything but complete faith.

Sometimes, you may not like some experiences coming your way but you have to believe in its inherent lesson for you.

Keeping your vibrations raised genuinely, working with peace and happiness in every present moment can keep you close to and attract positive happenings around you. You HAVE to be tuned in AND with love.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Someone has rightly said that success without planning is luck. And success with effort and struggle is an achievement. Envy therefore, has no value. All of us can create our own goals and work hard to achieve them. There is no other way, unless the credit balance of your “punya” gives you a place you perhaps did not “earn”. Like, being born into a wealthy family.

One really has to reflect very seriously and deeply on where one’s journey is each moment. And how much one is capable of in terms of truthfully assessing the self. We do tend to block what we don’t intrinsically like about ourselves, but cannot change.

New experiences need courage. Comfort and repetitive living will keep you from growth. One way to start the process of growth is to question everything we think, say and do. The weeds need to be pulled out, however painful, for the plant to grow in a healthy way.

Every year, we make resolutions. Some of us fall back into tested patterns and achieve more stagnation of the mind. Unable to heal our hurts and complexes, understanding that we can start afresh from the day the realization dawns that our thinking is not growth oriented.

There is so much accent on self-help today. We need to make an intention and immerse ourselves in this attempt while doing our usual routine. As they say, anything, even a mundane chore, can be done in different ways and joy derived from it. All we need is a simple mind with a clear intention.

And let us not forget the people who have nurtured us, even if it was a ” cruel to be kind” attitude in an attempt to teach us the right values. Respect for all forms of life is imminent in our journey to find ourselves. Because it is linked with how much we respect ourselves. So, love and compassion are the two most vital prerequisites for personal evolution. For us and others. They start with gratitude and blessings for one and all.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Life is not to be lived by overthinking everything. Everything is meant to be. Your decisions are also made so as to experience something important, a lesson for life.

So, to regret, feel guilty, are all the products of an ignorant mind. Ostensibly, we take ”good” decisions and we feel luck is with us. What we don’t know is that THAT good luck was merely the pleasant experience ordained for us. It was due and we experienced happiness that goes with it.

Similarly, what we call bad luck is also ordained through our own earlier actions, which we don’t want to pay the price for and therefore, end up with suffering.

If we can accept the moment and what it brings us, and learn to flow with it, we are through. What we are busy doing is living either in the past or agonizing about the future, neither of which are within our grasp. In other words, we have left the flow of our life.

A hard task then, is to get back into the flow, and extremely important. How we achieve it will mark a huge transition in our lives. But first, the quest is to reach that platform.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Work is worship. A popular saying and truly a very pertinent slogan for us all. The opposite side of the coin that says, an idle mind is a devil’s workshop.

Constructive work keeps the health and happiness quotient on a consistent level. It’s been my experience. It is a way of giving back to yourself what you know to be your core as a part of divine energy. What you think you are giving outside is actually what you are returning to yourself.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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The minute advaita vedanta comes into your life, you come alive like a dying plant being watered back to health again. How many confusions , misrepresentations and mindsets we live with because we fail to

Understand the vastness of ourselves.

It is so amazing and really the grace of God that a few months back, I chanced upon a talk by Swami Sarvapriyanand ji on you tube.  I haven’t looked back since!

I am not surprised he has followers all over the world. To me, it seems as if he is THE teacher in modern times, one who can be so completely logical in teaching such an abstract subject! You cannot help but understand the finer nuances because he just dins them into your head tirelessly and unceasingly.

Truly amazing! This world needs a guru like him. My respectful namaskar to him!

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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All our effort should be directed to silencing our minds. Easier said than done when it refuses to stop chattering and, in fact, keeps reminding us of episodes long forgotten. We don’t need to put our hands into the fire to burn. The mind does it for us.

As Swami Sarvapriyanand ji says, we are supposed to be masters of our mind. But, actually, we are slaves twice over, not only of our mind but our senses as well.

How can we ever even think of liberation from the ego mind ? Every minute, we make a determined effort and the next minute, we lapse into our old ways ! Even when we make resolutions to clean up our mind, the next minute we break our own resolve. Why ? What stops us ? I would imagine, our dual mind, which is ruled by our senses and ego and hence, severely inflicted by likes and dislikes and prejudices.

When it concerns prejudice, it is like a disease which has no discrimating power . It does not exclude any relationship, however sacrosanct.

Here is when one puts a question mark on the “educated” minds who feel superior for maybe having studied abroad , had ample exposure, and now making a brilliant career but… without the basic plan for a clear at heart and mind. We do have a very long way to go before the right understanding dawns . In a limited span of the few years we have, now is the place to start.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Studying Advaita Vedanta is the best way to the path of detachment. When Shakespeare said, “ all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players”, I did not realise the vastness of implications in that one statement.

Advaita Vedanta tells you the same thing by segregating transactional and ultimate reality. It comes as an amazing realisation that we are not who we claim to be when we identify with the body and mind. In fact, this puts us in a world of transactional reality where karma rules the cycle of birth and death.

The moment we start the process of elimination that we are not the body, not the mind, nor the intellect nor the body of desires we have accumulated, there descends  a tremendous sense of relief and lightness of being .

There is nothing and no one to get attached to. Yes, I have often been scoffed for this statement but believe me, as Echkart Tolle says, now is the time either to evolve or “die” , the latter meaning a metaphorical death.

Now, the choice is ours.  Are we going to carry on with our old ways of comparisons, judgements, hatreds , dislikes, manipulations etc or stop that completely useless baggage and see the light which is everywhere ? Only our inner light is dimmed by us, and none other .

So, we should know that one hundred percent responsibility for our souls is ours .  Yet, we are unable to detach from what we know to be futile in our journey, like a dog’s tail, however much it is straightened, comes back to being crooked.

But sooner or later, the circle of life’s mixed experiences , once exhausted, will bring us back to the point of elevation: the NEED to elevate as the only choice . That will be a brilliantly illuminated day for each of us.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Life throws you challenges, some very tough, in order to strengthen you and to also show  you where you need to change your path.

I think of life as a crowded street where we have to constantly be aware of where we are going, whether we are stepping  on anyone’s toes, how we are weaving ourselves in and out of situations and working around people. Sometimes, we need to step aside to allow others to pass. And sometimes, we need to forge ahead on our path while politely asking people to give us way by stepping aside.

This is a way that works for me when I remember to use it. Each morning, put yourself in a white light bubble and make the intention that your space within this  bubble will not be disturbed while you live out your day. Keep checking the bubble and reinforce it during the day . You will know when it is wearing thin as soon as you begin to feel any negativity.

Do try it and tell me if it works for you. We all need it  for our spiritual journey.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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I have learnt that when someone reaches out to you, do always respond. Because you never know! It could be the most important meeting of your life. Or, it could be your last with that person.

Do we ever focus on how fragile life can be? We are so confident that each time we go to sleep; we are going to wake up the next morning. For many, that morning never came.

Sadly, I see so many egos at work a lot of blame too. I see couples whose destinies were not to be together, keeping grouses for life. I see families growing up amicably enough but later, conflicting on emotional and material issues. We never learn to say, “God knows better”.

Where does all the love go? Because there was a time we DID love. How does it turn to hate? Dislike? They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That the more you loved, the more you hate now.

Not at all! What turned to hate were the expectations that were never met. If you profess to love, that love should never be quantified. Love with expectations is not love. You really don’t know what karma has in store for you. Whatever it may be, the love you hold in your heart makes it easier to go through life. It is an enormous strength even if your loved ones are far away.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Truth is often unpalatable. Reality is often unacceptable. But facts don’t change. As you move through life, equations change, just like people playing different characters in a play. And the one thing you cannot afford to do is get wedded to one role. Otherwise, you cannot play another role effectively. Though you always remember the ones you played to the hilt.

In life, therefore, compartmentalization is of prime importance and leaving memories behind, too. We hold onto beautiful memories for dear life and lament on what has changed. But we have to allow for the evolution of everything and everyone. Not everyone will stay with you. Not everyone will care for you the way you want them to. And the opposite is also true.

But you know what? It is ok. There are many pluses in life and gratitude for this is imminent. You let go what doesn’t work and what doesn’t work is what gives you constant pain. What deprives you of your peace and happiness?

How many times do we cut our losses and make peace with ourselves?

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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