
Archive for the ‘Nature’ Category


Life is not about feeling threatened, politicking and one upmanship. As long as we are in that space, our toxicity will pile up and will take longer to leave us when we start trying. It CAN happen very quickly if we realize deeply that we have to LET GO every polluted thought, against others and equally so, against ourselves.

The culprits are always within us: self-criticism, void, low self-esteem and confidence, the “I am incapable” / “I am not good enough” syndrome and more….

We have all been fashioned in the image of God, to fulfil some requirement. Instead, we don’t trust and flounder amidst our identity woes. Someone whose life seems perfect may have several challenges you don’t know about. Just minding our own store can upgrade us to the next levels.

That’s all we CAN do.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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The mantra for life, I have discovered, is “that was THEN, this is NOW”.

If we reflect on our thoughts, how much of our thinking patterns come from past experiences? A maximum percentage, I would imagine.

We judge people from past experiences.

Our relationships, more often than not, are dictated by the past experiences too.

Our trust factor also comes with time, again only from the past.

Our behavior stems from early conditioning.

Our guilt comes from what we did wrong earlier.

Our lack of forgiveness is because someone has hurt us and that becomes a negative past memory.

So, the past, which is really a ghost, rules over us even though it has passed.

It is incredible that we still won’t let go. Irrational that we won’t give our present a chance. The more we read about living in the NOW, the less we actually do. The past has occupied so much space within us. It actually lives there; like the cobwebs we have no time to clean. We are so busy planting pretty fences and flowers in a garden which is full of weeds.

Popularly said, “nowhere” can be changed with a new perspective, “NOW HERE”. But our mind is here and there all the time. Never in the NOW.

Awaken, people, to what we are doing to ourselves during our life here! Improving every moment in the present, trying to clean each such moment is the only thing we can do.

As we clean, and declutter, we create new spaces to attract the energy which can change our lives and bring in what we call miracles”.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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We humans are strange! We are quick to acknowledge our good deeds and love praise. But when we are wrong, we shy away from admitting it. And if we do reach that stage, why?

Human tendencies work both ways, for the right and wrong. And so, we have a choice. always. And the only time we should exercise an unpalatable choice, it is for the larger good. Not for self-interest.

It is not difficult to keep away from wrongdoing, something we cannot be proud of! Yet, we keep doing it.

Why does it at all???

Puzzles me! Because it is visible to most! And has consequences too.

Cleaning up our act is the best way to go. This way, you appease your conscience. Nothing else should matter.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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When you reach a dead end in your mind, just leave everything to the Almighty! Knots will be removed with time. Faith is imperative! Whatever happens in our lives is chosen by us. So, to grumble and resist seems childish. Yes, we HAVE chalked out our agenda based on what we need to learn. But we don’t want some of what happens. We think we deserve better. When understanding dawns, we actually realize that we can move on to the better only once we have learnt from what happens and thus, change our energies to invite better things and better people in our lives. Let us not misunderstand this though and get happy. We need to reinvent ourselves each time we fall in our standards of ethics and morality, in failing to keep a spiritual awareness around us. And more… We can cram one book and give our exams. Or, we can refer to many books, understand the topic in-depth and then appear in the exams. There are no guesses as to which is better and progressive in its outcome. Life is like that. sometimes, a child handles life better because there is very quick recovery from any kind of so called adverse experience. The child does not hold on. And that is what we need to do. Adults reach dead ends either when there is ego activation or when there is a closure.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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If you live in a state of suffering, observe yourself minutely and ask yourself “ why”. Like burnt food which is inedible, until you prepare it again, your burning due to suffering also needs a new beginning. Would you relish burnt food ? Obviously not ! It goes into the garbage can instantaneously. So is your suffering meant for the garbage can. Why do you wallow in it when you can easily chuck it and start fresh ?

We think we love ourselves and feel entitled and deserving of everything good and comfortable. So, when we don’t get it , we suffer. But, actually, wants are indicative of a lack of self love. Self love simplifies everything because it is such a complete feeling , akin to affinity with our divine source.

The needs for survival are few and available to most people. Wants are a different story altogether. Every one of them increases your appetite for more. Whereas, a fulfilment of needs leads to , or SHOULD lead to contentment.

This is the reason suffering is said to be self inflicted. It is a personal choice a polluted mind makes for us. But, because we are not in control of ourselves, the mind reigns supreme and leads us into suffering. A clear mind cannot do that.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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the candle burns the brightest before getting extinguished, so , when pain is the highest in intensity during its transitiory phase , and before it disappears to provide the relief.

Ofcourse, this is evinced after rigorous spiritual practices to empty the mind of memories and seek salvation through a superimpisition of positivity on  every negative factor seen within us. 

It is not quite right to assume that pain and suffering won’t recur. But with regular practice, their impact can be minimised . With an understanding of why it is returning and with the wisdom we have hopefully acquired .

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Peaceful Space

When you reach a stage in life where you have faced the onslaught of life in many ways, seen people who are fickle and not loyal, have taken the heat of many negative moments until your hair is grey and your brain cells groaning for some rest, you have finally made it as a senior citizen. Now, just chill. Relax! Have a char minar, as they say. There is no need to explain yourself to anyone. If people love you, they will try to understand you. If not, God bless them all. Just stay within your peaceful space and let the world fly around you

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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An open and educated mind thinks beyond personal desires and looks at the various angles of its actions. The options available as also the different consequences that might arise. There are a number of people who seem to be living in a bubble, in an alternate world, beyond objective reality and these are, for sure, more prone to shock waves from life. Why? Because they never figured out that what they wanted might not actually happen and something else might happen. They never thought of alternatives. And God forbid, there could be a heavy price to pay.

We forget that the unseen hand of God strikes hard sometimes when you are oblivious to everything other than yourself. Definitely, there is merit in observing certain good principles in life and support those who are an integral part of your life. Who YOU chose to bring into your life. And out of all options, know that compassion goes hand in hand with support. AND that we all have feet of clay without exceptions.

We may be born with a silver or even golden spoon in our mouths. But humility before our karmic experiences along with understanding where we are straying will go a long way in bringing balance to our lives. And compensate for actions we are not proud of.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Where are you looking ? Look at yourself: At your thoughts

At your reactions that you have picked up about people and situations that make you bitter, resentful and bordering on dislike or even hatred.

At whether you could have exercised positivity in the wake of negativity .

At how much and how futilely you have occupied your mind space about opinions of people who are not even in your circle .

At how you feel when you criticise / judge people.

These are basic to our well being. The analysis puts a perspective on us and where we really need to work on ourselves.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Why do people judge others when they know nothing about their story ? Do they feel superior ? Because if they do, they must think again ! They themselves have plenty to hide and are as imperfect as anyone else.

The main crux of the issue is here. The inner eye is blinded. So, we can see only others and their behaviour. This is the most dangerous part of ignorance: to think you know everything when you know nothing ! In fact, you don’t even want to know anything because the prejudice is so intense.

We all look for peace by shunning people and getting within a safe cacoon. But this is just not possible. Because sooner or later, the butterfly will emerge and will have to face strong winds and extreme weather conditions. But alas ! Where is wisdom in the wake of ignorance ?

The biggest burden that Mother Earth carries today is the human being.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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