
Archive for the ‘energy’ Category


Absolute, untainted truth is almost always unacceptable to the average human mind. It is like wearing sunglasses to protect your eyes against the sun. Stark reality is like the blazing sun.

This is why we find sugar coated living bearable and even motivating. The fear of discovering who we really are rules our lives. We don’t want to go there. There is an unconscious denial to turn inwards.

Our comfort levels lie in overt, sometimes superficial gregariousness, almost to divert our minds from our intrinsic nature and our inability to isolate ourselves to find ourselves. For, meditation is nothing but that. To eliminate the thought that works as a veil between the divine and you. In other words, thoughts become an impediment because they immediately combine with senses and pollute the mind which, actually, needs to be purified to make headway into the spiritual realm.

All our lives, we exist like this, until the end of our lives.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Peaceful Space

When you reach a stage in life where you have faced the onslaught of life in many ways, seen people who are fickle and not loyal, have taken the heat of many negative moments until your hair is grey and your brain cells groaning for some rest, you have finally made it as a senior citizen. Now, just chill. Relax! Have a char minar, as they say. There is no need to explain yourself to anyone. If people love you, they will try to understand you. If not, God bless them all. Just stay within your peaceful space and let the world fly around you

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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As I look back, I realize that all of us programmed so much negativity in our minds that they become reactive patterns which are very difficult to break.

But, I said “difficult”, not impossible.

When we look at ourselves in the mirror while getting ready to go out, we make sure we are looking good. We take extra effort to camouflage the irregularities wherever present in the body.

However, our mental irregularities don’t have any mirror except our own conscience. And we think we can conceal them with some artistry. Not so, though. Such energy projects outside as well and is noticed. It is the height of ignorance to think we can get away with anything impure in thought, word or deed.

The only way is to remain steady in our true selves, never mind the reactions from the outside world. Just watching and not reacting. Yes, when we want something, then reactions from others matter. Otherwise, why is it so important that the world should like us, appreciate us, felicitation us?

Can we do our own karma in the light of truth only and just because it makes us joyful? No more, no less! Why depend on anyone for our soul salvation? This is making less sense to me than ever before!

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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If I could select a theme for an epidemic, it would be love and light. I have discovered that our inner light dims because we allow it to. Because we depend on the external world for happiness but invariably get disappointed. And why not? That dependency is the wrong path. There is no permanency if anything out there.

We feel incomplete around people. Because we compare, react, become needy and cloud our intrinsic selves with a whole lot of unwanted , undesirable layers of futile thoughts and reactions.

It is when our light is shining bright that we can envelope everything else within it, like the sun that illuminates everything it touches with its rays.

We can also be like the sun. Each one of us. If we stop focusing on our body and mind and identifying with it under the spell of a mass of illusion which takes us away from our true selves.

The sooner we start dwelling on such thoughts, questioning our existence and reflecting upon it all to get some sound knowledge, the better we will feel. And the quicker our worlds will change into a meaningful existence.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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When abuse becomes virtually a religion, manipulation becomes your second skin. What a pity that there are people who would be callous enough to abuse their own parents , let alone outsiders ! That anyone can be so self absorbed that all the filters in behaviour disappear.

We speak of upbringing , sensibilities, grace, loyalty and all

Those fine endowments of our personality which come from

The old world. But where IS that world ?

Thoughts of bygone eras are only memories , memories that bring you misery in the wake of the current scenario where , unless you are diplomatic with “family” also , more often than not, you have to pay a huge price with being persecuted. Because love is not a currency that works anymore. It is only the art of superficiality that gets you everywhere. But ultimately, it is manipulation because it does not come from the heart.

I still have the ability to feel a sense of shock, a disbelief , when I see such episodes being enacted. It gets difficult to then focus on the beautiful side of life . The ugliness is too consuming ! At least for a while !

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Studying Advaita Vedanta is the best way to the path of detachment. When Shakespeare said, “ all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players”, I did not realise the vastness of implications in that one statement.

Advaita Vedanta tells you the same thing by segregating transactional and ultimate reality. It comes as an amazing realisation that we are not who we claim to be when we identify with the body and mind. In fact, this puts us in a world of transactional reality where karma rules the cycle of birth and death.

The moment we start the process of elimination that we are not the body, not the mind, nor the intellect nor the body of desires we have accumulated, there descends  a tremendous sense of relief and lightness of being .

There is nothing and no one to get attached to. Yes, I have often been scoffed for this statement but believe me, as Echkart Tolle says, now is the time either to evolve or “die” , the latter meaning a metaphorical death.

Now, the choice is ours.  Are we going to carry on with our old ways of comparisons, judgements, hatreds , dislikes, manipulations etc or stop that completely useless baggage and see the light which is everywhere ? Only our inner light is dimmed by us, and none other .

So, we should know that one hundred percent responsibility for our souls is ours .  Yet, we are unable to detach from what we know to be futile in our journey, like a dog’s tail, however much it is straightened, comes back to being crooked.

But sooner or later, the circle of life’s mixed experiences , once exhausted, will bring us back to the point of elevation: the NEED to elevate as the only choice . That will be a brilliantly illuminated day for each of us.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Today, we are so involved in what we think is our real life that we don’t have time for “frills”. The same frills , if they are loving people and tools for personal evolution, will become very important later in life. When we are young, we don’t have the bandwidth to understand this.

When realisation does dawn, many of the loving people around us who we regret not valuing , have passed on . And the ones we thought were ours, have moved on. What is left is regret !

At any stage in life, the vision must always have a broader perspective to carry the “valuables” in our lives with us, despite being busy in our own little world. And I don’t mean material riches. Because life is a vast experience , provided we have a thirst for understanding its  validity and impact on our journey. There is always a purpose . Nothing is meaningless.

But we fail to understand it. The opportunity to heal our darker spaces are manifold but we are blindfolded. Only fear makes us limited. Otherwise, we are luminous, unlimited beings.  But who is to explain this to anyone until the right realisation triggers change ?

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Soul Connections

“If I knew then , what I know now, I would have handled my life so differently “!

How many of us have said this to ourselves ? But , the point is.  We DIDN’T know. And now, foolishly, we beat ourselves up ! Absolutely not required.

Each of us chose our mother before taking birth. Why ? Because our agendas of life were connected. So, if the mother was going through a rough time during pregnancy, the child starts with a birth trauma.

The situation keeps changing . The parent and the child too keep advancing in their journey. Sometimes, love binds them


Often, neither is aware of the larger canvas. But when one learns about soul connections and karma, that’s the starting point of the healing. We can’t do anything about past but we can definitely heal, heal,heal everything that we know is not right in our lives and that of our loved ones.

The one thing we need the awareness and to ask “why” , because only then will we find answers. Anything that does not feel right in your gut, or intuition or thoughts, needs to be addressed. Not tucked away somewhere.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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If you are not a confident person, you will always lack in confidence in relationships as well. You might misunderstand instead of understanding because the light emitted by confident people is so bright that many may automatically come under its shadow.

Really not a desirable situation the idea of “I am not good enough” can be the reason. This could have developed in childhood or maybe, with constant comparisons. But this is sheer ignorance nevertheless.

Most of the time, we try to avoid people who threaten us. We know what’s happening but still, don’t want to change this, although change May bring much positivism in us.

If you are excited about learning cycling but scared to sit on one, how will you learn to use it to move forward? Diffidence is like never getting onto that cycle. No one can lift us and put us on that seat except ourselves.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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The happiest way to be is to wear blinkers and not worry about the reactions of others as long as you are clear about your actions and your own journey. Ironically, we are conerned about what the same people will think of us who don’t even have their own act together nor know where they are heading. But they happily criticise what they see in you without recognising many undesirable traits within themselves. Typical !

Don’t let your life depend on anything except your own reflections, your introspection on what your life should look like.

Granted, sometimes we are stuck in situations we did not visualise would get us stuck. But its ok. We just need to shoot down that body of karma by getting immune to it.

No one is indispensable as we see today when each one is just for himself or herself. In a way, it gives you the freedom to chalk out your own life without interference.

If you step back, everything gets levelled out.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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