
Archive for the ‘Lessons’ Category


There is never any end to discovering new aspects of our self every day. We are so unlimited actually but still so limited when it comes to our conscious mind dealings. Our awareness is basically confined to what our senses can discern.

When we look beyond, we see a sub conscious mind which holds our many secrets! Many memories! Much lingering feelings we have not healed.

So it is that we suffer, due to the triggers that force a certain kind of behavior. And it seems to bubble up from nowhere.

Healing becomes difficult when we either think wrong or have no time for reflecting. Or even when we hold onto everything we should drop immediately.

Wisdom is the only answer. That dawns when we start looking into and accepting ourselves. Only then, having seen our flaws, will we have the incentive to correct them.

This won’t happen unless we bare ourselves to ourselves.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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As I look back, I realize that all of us programmed so much negativity in our minds that they become reactive patterns which are very difficult to break.

But, I said “difficult”, not impossible.

When we look at ourselves in the mirror while getting ready to go out, we make sure we are looking good. We take extra effort to camouflage the irregularities wherever present in the body.

However, our mental irregularities don’t have any mirror except our own conscience. And we think we can conceal them with some artistry. Not so, though. Such energy projects outside as well and is noticed. It is the height of ignorance to think we can get away with anything impure in thought, word or deed.

The only way is to remain steady in our true selves, never mind the reactions from the outside world. Just watching and not reacting. Yes, when we want something, then reactions from others matter. Otherwise, why is it so important that the world should like us, appreciate us, felicitation us?

Can we do our own karma in the light of truth only and just because it makes us joyful? No more, no less! Why depend on anyone for our soul salvation? This is making less sense to me than ever before!

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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If I could select a theme for an epidemic, it would be love and light. I have discovered that our inner light dims because we allow it to. Because we depend on the external world for happiness but invariably get disappointed. And why not? That dependency is the wrong path. There is no permanency if anything out there.

We feel incomplete around people. Because we compare, react, become needy and cloud our intrinsic selves with a whole lot of unwanted , undesirable layers of futile thoughts and reactions.

It is when our light is shining bright that we can envelope everything else within it, like the sun that illuminates everything it touches with its rays.

We can also be like the sun. Each one of us. If we stop focusing on our body and mind and identifying with it under the spell of a mass of illusion which takes us away from our true selves.

The sooner we start dwelling on such thoughts, questioning our existence and reflecting upon it all to get some sound knowledge, the better we will feel. And the quicker our worlds will change into a meaningful existence.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Studying Advaita Vedanta is the best way to the path of detachment. When Shakespeare said, “ all the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players”, I did not realise the vastness of implications in that one statement.

Advaita Vedanta tells you the same thing by segregating transactional and ultimate reality. It comes as an amazing realisation that we are not who we claim to be when we identify with the body and mind. In fact, this puts us in a world of transactional reality where karma rules the cycle of birth and death.

The moment we start the process of elimination that we are not the body, not the mind, nor the intellect nor the body of desires we have accumulated, there descends  a tremendous sense of relief and lightness of being .

There is nothing and no one to get attached to. Yes, I have often been scoffed for this statement but believe me, as Echkart Tolle says, now is the time either to evolve or “die” , the latter meaning a metaphorical death.

Now, the choice is ours.  Are we going to carry on with our old ways of comparisons, judgements, hatreds , dislikes, manipulations etc or stop that completely useless baggage and see the light which is everywhere ? Only our inner light is dimmed by us, and none other .

So, we should know that one hundred percent responsibility for our souls is ours .  Yet, we are unable to detach from what we know to be futile in our journey, like a dog’s tail, however much it is straightened, comes back to being crooked.

But sooner or later, the circle of life’s mixed experiences , once exhausted, will bring us back to the point of elevation: the NEED to elevate as the only choice . That will be a brilliantly illuminated day for each of us.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Self Absorption

Someone was just hospitalised ! Someone is on the ventilator ! Someone , we heard, has just passed on ! Age no bar !

What a world we live in ! Suddenly, the phrase “life is fragile” has struck closer to home than ever before !

And yet….

We don’t seem closer to valuing those around us. We are so desensitised to others and so single-mindedly devoted to ourselves that the shock of people close to us suddenly ailing and breathing their last conveniently seems such a remote possibility , however real it actually may be .

The chief concern is , “ when will things be normal ?” “ when can I call a party for 100 people ?

People are on different levels.. understandable ! But , why does death or the possibility of death not touch some people ? Is it denial or self absorption or … what ?

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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We have to leave everyone to heal at their own time and of their own accord. It used to be possible at one time to heal through frank communication. And clearing the mind of any residue feelings of negativity. I guess, no more ! There is more possibility of making it worse by talking …

Two similar sounding but diametrically opposite words are two ends of the spectrum: Accepting and expecting.

The first assists in moving forward. The second can bog you down pretty badly because your well being lies with someone else or something else . And you lose that much control.

We live in a world of time, space and causation. Accepting means giving time and space and waiting for the causes to fade from memory. Then healing happens.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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As you age with experiences, now on an emotional high and on a low the next minute, with all kinds of upheaval and painful learning, there comes a time when everything levels out and you just count your blessings every day. And everything is a bonus, either to make you happy or teach you lessons.

I guess negativity is so exhaustingly futile that this realization is enough to shun it. Whether you allowed it through people or situations, it never helped, only hindered, most importantly, your personal growth.

So, these days, one is left talking to oneself about these things if not to God. My conversations with God are on the increase. Nice to know you have a friend you can talk to about just about everything and who knows you so well. Answers come from within when you genuinely ask. Quite amazing!

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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If we stop thinking of ourselves for a minute, we would be able to focus on one of our major responsibilities, that is, consideration for others. Right from the time we are born till the end of life, we have to live amongst people. We cannot absolve ourselves from the duties towards others. This attitude itself is an aspect of consideration, of extending the package of kindness and of understanding the needs of others.

Consideration is a highly reciprocal quality. It gives happiness and a sense of well being to both people, the one who shows it and the one who receives it and gives it back, so starting a chain which is deeply emotional and binding.

The true essence of being human is experienced when you recognize that the world is a mirror, and for you to see it smile, you have to smile into it first.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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A most profound truth we live within the prison of our own making Our thoughts about ourselves, about others, our lives, our emotions, our conflicts, fears, comparisons, attachments, dissatisfactions and more.

How often do we feel a sense of liberation? Hardly ever! There is always some pre occupation which might turn out to be meaningless and completely unimportant in time, but at that time, occupies a large chunk of the mind. And we don’t know how to free ourselves from it, and similar situations.

Actually, it is we who hold on to what we think is holding onto us. The biggest illusion we suffer from. And hence, we fail to destroy the illusory prison walls when there are open doors and illumination all around us. How long will it take?

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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An open and educated mind thinks beyond personal desires and looks at the various angles of its actions the options available as also the different consequences that might arise. There are a number of people who seem to be living in a bubble, in an alternate world , beyond objective reality and these are , for sure, more prone to shock waves from life . Why ? Because they never figured out that what they wanted might not actually happen and something else might happen. They never thought of alternative and god forbid there could be a heavy price to pay.

We forget that the unseen hand of God strikes hard sometimes when you are oblivious to everything other than yourself. Definitely, there is merit in observing certain good principles in life and support those who are an integral part of your life. Who YOU chose to bring into your life and out of all options, know that compassion goes hand in hand with support and that we all have feet of clay without exceptions.

We may be born with a silver or even golden spoon in our mouths. But humility before our karmic experiences along with understanding where we are straying will go a long way in.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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