
Archive for the ‘happiness’ Category


From graciousness to being non gracious to pettiness. These are levels of human thoughts and patterns. Graciousness is a trait that seldom translates into the non-gracious and even less, pettiness. Gracious people are gracious inside and outside. Of course, there could be certain basic triggers from Old memories that might induce non characteristic thoughts/ behavior. But these are easily checked because they are not intrinsic traits.

The long and short of this is… we must watch our thought patterns and reactions minutely and regularly. Unless we want to live a life of a yoyo, oscillating between our positives and negatives and reaching nowhere but into a world of likes/ dislikes/prejudices/ and a demonstration of these inspired by a well fed ego.

The choice is ours! Whether to clean up or remain polluted. Because our next life will start from where this one stopped.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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People wither away gradually and silently when they are not given love and attention. They feel rejected and neglected. Love is the only binding force but humans are short on it. Because they don’t love themselves enough.

Mindfulness comes in handy here.

Try to understand your story. for, the more that understanding deepens, the more you will understand the stories of others, without criticism or judgement.

No one is perfect. Don’t “approve” or “disapprove” of anyone because , by doing this, you are actually approving and disapproving parts of yourself. It is an ego exercise designed to improve your own image. But it doesn’t work that way.

Images are bubbles that can burst easily. You cannot hold onto a bubble for long, can you?

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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One of the most painful existences is one of not feeling relevant! It could be in any field, and the reason would be close to not getting a feeling of comfortable belonging while alive in this world.

The deepest root is a lowered immunity due to a lack of a relevant self-image.

I am not an educated psychologist but I guess, my work as a hypnotherapist has taught me a little from life experiences and observation.

It is absolutely essential to feel relevant. To take up any vocation with passion and interest without craving for any recognition. Just enjoy it and let not your feeling relevant or otherwise, be in the hands of others who might never know you for who you are but will make you feel irrelevant in their lives.

But we are all relevant to OUR own lives. We need to remember this.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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How much can we accomplish just by study ? A lot ! It is the first step.

Reflecting on what we study is the next step. Reflecting will internalise knowledge upto a point.

However, without meditating on it, this 3 step plan is incomplete.

I don’t know why so many people shy away from meditation. We go through all kinds of variations of actions when we want something. Whether they are palatable or not. But that want , when it becomes a spiritual thirst, will start to direct us to what is the ultimate goal of us humans.

If not now, when will we embark on this wonderful journey of self discovery ?

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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As sense dawns, we see how foolish we are sometimes ! All this feeling bad at the actions or speech of others ! You suffer and suffer with the constant “ WHY” did this happen to ME ?

This inquiry is actually laughable ! But only when we realise that what we are agonising about , wasting so much mind space, is something others are not even thinking about. They have done their bit, felt good about venting , caused hurt in the process or whatever , and moved on. But we sit crying and lamenting over what has happened. The ego gets badly hurt and insists on behaving like a petulant child, demanding retaliation. Stop there !

Think ! If , in the wind, a tree branch falls and hits you, what will you do ? Curse and blame the tree or the wind ??? You can’t ! But in case of people , we let everything stick to us ! Why ? People act in ignorance because they really are not mature enough to know what to do or what is right and just. And we are equally ignorant in reacting to that ignorance ! We are on the same level.

Sooner or later, a realisation has to dawn that negative pellets are not being thrown at us but at themselves. Something is not right and unhappy within such people. Something is smouldering. Their darkness needs illumination with their own understanding.

Don’t let other people’s darkness envelop you . That would be a grave mistake. Yes, do help anyone who needs help and asks for it. But otherwise, step aside.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Today, I am This. My experiences from all lives , some of which are experienced in this life, are sacrosanct, good or bad , as both teach me lessons if I know how to learn the lessons inherent in them.

This minute, I can connect with my consciousness to understand where I am not thinking right. The past, the thoughts , the reminder of the unpleasant are all leeches which one has to pluck out and throw away, however painful the process might be for the body and the mind. Is there anyone who can like the leeches gripping you for ever ? No.

But we do have the others in leech form that are painful and agonising but we seem to revel in our pain. Very difficult to understand ! Still more difficult when they come from outside . Not that self inflicted pain is more reasonable ! Every pain is a choice and has a solution.

There is just not enough understanding and therefore, error in prioritising. It is like sitting down and waiting for the lion coming after you, to swallow you.

When “I” identifies with “me”, we are weakened by that ego which can be very destructive if we don’t watch out.

So , we need to use the power of NOW to get wise.

Surekha Kothari


surekhakothari.wordpress.comSpeakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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State of mind

As time goes by, You will loosen your grip on that rock, The one you always thought was home, And you will realise that home is not a place, It’s a state of mind. Let it go

As time goes by, You will learn to see yourself more clearly, The person who was always too much of one thing, And too little of another, was actually everything that person needed to be. Let that person out

As time goes by, You will let the simple things become big, And you will allow the big things to become simple, And that readjustment will be, The day you really start to live. Let it be

As time goes by, You will be forced to say goodbye many times, And your soft little heart will shatter but, It will still beat and that will bring you, All the purpose you need. Let it beat

As time goes by, You will stop choosing wealth over peace, You will stop choosing money over time, And you will see that the treasures you need, Are in the smiles and the laughter. Let them in

As time goes by, The moments you remember when your life flashes past, Are never the awful memories my friend, it’s the joy, The summer nights, the lazy days with loved ones, The midnight chats and the morning hugs, Let them all happen.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Many issues that we deal with during healing come from early conditioning.  Most parents bring up their children as they want to see them, not as they are. They are taught likes and dislikes very early. They are taught social distancing even before they are old enough to understand.

Instead of learning pure and innocent qualities from children , parents try to teach their children many lessons which are coloured by their own prejudices, likes and dislikes , even hatred.  Adults dump their own baggage on the children which is just criminal ! They are already handicapping their children emotionally and mentally.

This is the reason why parents also don’t care enough for their own parents. So much lip talk but no genuine caring or compassion ! It is one thing to lead your own life and another to give back what you received. But that is forgotten.

I see parents holding their children back from their grandparents because of their own , often very misunderstood, personal grouses. It is so unimaginable in an educated society where we are all meant to understand kindness and compassion which the have nots find to be a luxury because they are barely surviving.

But… those who live more than comfortably are known to be stuck with an egoistic mind which denies them any sound advice or bringing in the light of human principles to make that shift into humaneness.

The biggest lesson for us today is to accept this change from earlier times. And the biggest difficulty is also to suppress love for people who mete out ego based treatment to those who love them.

The heart needs a lot of healing , away from the negative ego. The ability to understand someone who loves  you within their own karmic challenges requires a lot of empathy and compassion . Only genuine love can accomplish a sound relationship. Otherwise, hurt and more hurt awaits around the corner to fracture relationships and fragment the wholesomeness of a person. Through constant blame !

As I have always said, we have the freedom of choice. Either to become simple and understand what life is and how it should be lived, or feel happy in distancing yourself from the ones that actually love you,

So much to learn and yet, so much unnecessary piling of daily baggage !

Humans rarely elevate to a higher vibration, almost validating the downgrading of humanity itself. We can see this in what the world is today… only due to the lowest form of human existence. Everywhere , complexes, hate and vengeful actions dot the skyline over this world, masked by capsules of sweet words which may be hiding many undesirable motives in the heart.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Gradually, we find that there are a few people who occupy the space around our energy and who actually strengthen our energy system with love and nurturing .
Of course, the opposite is also true. They could deplete our energy. But there is no one to be blamed. We all know about compatible energies and incompatible ones. And yet, we do keep some incompatible ones around us , for reasons best known to us.
No harm ! Provided we can protect our energies effectively. Because we will always find both energies around us. So, better to learn how to manage ourselves when required because expecting Someone to change their energies is asking for the moon.
Surekha Kothari
Speakingtree Blog: http://www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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Today, I heard a very interesting statement. The birth of language was the camouflage of vibrations. We became so engrossed in talking and expressing ourselves that we lost our inner silence . Hence, we could not listen to our vibrations and to our intuition. They became blurred.

This is so true. If you think about it, this  is exactly why you can talk people into anything and talk people out of anything.

As the influence from outside in terms of verbal persuasion increased, we lost our own inner voice, a voice which can be heard in only silence. Silence of the mind. And a mind which is not tainted by futile talk. A mind that is not misled. And a mind that is employed in meditation.

Surekha Kothari



Speakingtree Blog: www.speakingtree.in/public/surekhakothari

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